60 lines
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date: 2022-04-05T18:33:08Z
draft: false
aliases: []
categories: ['apprentice', 'indices', 'meta']
series: ['apprentice']
tags: ['apprentice']
toc: true
title: IT Apprentice
description: This part of my blog is a collection of things I've learned as an apprentice working in IT.
This page on my blog serves as an index of technologies I've learned or became better at while working as an apprentice in IT. :grinning:
It also serves the purpose of the required documentation apprentices in Norway are supposed to do. :cowboy: :flushed:
It's mostly in relation to stuff learned at [SkyLabs AS](https://skylabs.no) where we run a captive portal service.
But there is also some stuff from [Sircon AS](https://sircon.no).
Those guys run hosting services, with a focus on cPanel/WordPress shared hosting.
That would be "The WHM saga".
Although when it comes to programming there would be some overlap, but don't dwell on that.
Because at Sircon, I feel like they didn't want me working with code, but rather support only...
Here are lists of stuff I'll be writing about here;
:x: marks not started :construction: marks work in progress :white_check_mark: marks complete!
## Programming
### Python
- :x: Flask :baby_bottle:
- :x: SQLAlchemy :sake:
- [:construction: MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) :banjo:](./msal)
### Browser JavaScript
- :x: jQuery :calling:
- [:construction: Handlebars.js :wavy_dash:](./handlebars)
## Programs / Tools
- [:construction: Fail2ban :hammer:](./fail2ban)
- [:construction: Docker :smiling_face_with_hearts:](./docker)
- :x: FreeRADIUS :crystal_ball:
- :x: Postgres :floppy_disk:
- [:construction: Ansible :gun:](./ansible)
- [:white_check_mark: tzsp2pcap :chains:](./tzsp2pcap)
## OS / Networking
- [:construction: Debian :dolls:](./debian)
- [:white_check_mark: Mikrotik :package:](./mikrotik)
- [:white_check_mark: Cisco Meraki :cloud:](./meraki)
## Azure
- [:white_check_mark: App Registration :rocket:](./azure-app-registration)
- :x: Active Directory :dizzy:
## Etc
- [:white_check_mark: Linux desktop password reset :mage_man:](./linux-password-reset)
## The WHM saga (shortie)
- [:white_check_mark: Wordpress :eyes:](./wordpress)
- [:construction: cPanel :shit:](./cpanel)
- [:construction: WHM :ok_hand:](./whm)