46 lines
1.4 KiB

{{ $img := resources.Get (.Get "src") }}
{{ $hint := "photo" }}
{{ $q := 69 }}
{{ if (.Get "quality" )}}
{{ $q = .Get "quality" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (.Get "hint" )}}
{{ $hint = .Get "hint" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if ne $img.MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
{{ $w := "" }}
{{ $h := "" }}
{{ if (.Get "width") }}
{{ $w = .Get "width" }}
{{ else }}
{{ $w = $img.Width | string }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (.Get "height") }}
{{ $h = .Get "height" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $img = $img.Resize (printf "%sx%s webp %s q%d" $w $h $hint $q) }}
{{ end }}
<figure {{ with .Get "class" }}class='{{.}}'{{ end }}>
{{ with $img | fingerprint }}
<a href='{{ with $.Get "link" }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}' target='_blank'>
<img src='{{ .RelPermalink }}' integrity='{{ .Data.Integrity }}'
{{ if or ($.Get "alt") ($.Get "caption") }}alt='{{ with $.Get "alt" }}{{ . }}
{{ else }}{{ $.Get "caption" }}{{ end }}'{{ end }} />
{{ end }}
{{ if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr") }}
<figcaption>{{ if isset .Params "title" }}
<h4>{{ .Get "title" }}</h4>{{ end }}
{{ if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr") }}<p>
{{ .Get "caption" | markdownify }}
{{ with .Get "attrlink" }}<a href="{{ . }}"> {{ end }}
{{ .Get "attr" }}
{{ if .Get "attrlink" }}</a> {{ end }}
</p> {{ end }}
{{ end }}