.PHONY: help build create debug clean help: @echo '= Make targets:' @echo 'build: creates a public/ folder with the built static files' @echo 'create: runs the development server serving the built static files' @echo 'check: like create but production environment' @echo 'debug: like create without drafts and with --debug' @echo 'clean: deletes the public/ folder' HUGO := hugo --printI18nWarnings --printPathWarnings --printUnusedTemplates --templateMetricsHints # --templateMetrics --cleanDestinationDir --gc SERV := server --bind --liveReloadPort 80 --appendPort=false --disableFastRender --printMemoryUsage --noHTTPCache --renderToDisk --navigateToChanged DEV := $(HUGO) -e dev $(SERV) build: clean_pub $(HUGO) -e prod check: clean_pub $(HUGO) -e prod $(SERV) create: $(DEV) -D debug: $(DEV) --debug clean: clean_pub rm -fr resources/ hugo_stats.json clean_pub: rm -fr public/