# Tools to make the Byndle DX go brrr 😜 Until further notice I'll throw anyting I find useful into the `bin` folder. Add this folder to your `PATH` to use them anywhere, any time in any terminal. To avoud cluttering it too bad there is also the `docker` folder, as my workflow runs the whole setup within docker. This too is in my `PATH`. ### Python and pip Everyone should know that pip kinda sucks. So to make use of all the Python scripts in here I **highly** recommend to use `poetry` to make a virtual env. Then all you'll have to do is run `poetry shell` in the root of this repo and you'll be ready to run all those nice, juicy Python scripts of mine. ### deploy.py To use this one you'll need to `pip install docker` and maybe also `pip install paramiko` depending on what you put in the `DOCKER_HOST` env var. It also requres `DOCKER_HOST` which I've set to `ssh://developer@` requiring `paramiko` on my work machines. And at last `AZDO_PAT` which needs to be set to a Azure DevOps "personal access token".